الاثنين، 16 أبريل 2012

Seeking a higher truth

I'm not helpless .. in times i wish i were one .. I fight back and fight hard .. sometimes you should just shut up .. sometimes you should just stay down and take all the hits .. because sometimes staying still is your power .. your strength .. just be strong by not fighting back .. be strong by knowing that Allah is by your side .. and that their hits will never break you .. and no matter where they want to take you .. its only written by Allah .. the one and only God there is .. at times like this .. love is not your answer .. at times like this .. you have to think of how much you believe in yourself .. and in your God .. at times like this is you get the real test .. to everything that you are .. you can do your best .. even when it sounds unfair .. you have to know that Allah is fair .. and that justice will take place .. in its own time .. you are still frightened by the idea of being alone in times .. when you are the one who knows that there is no such a thing .. why do you freak out .. why do you keep showing your weakness to those who will take advantage of .. why do you keep regretting trusting someone when that regret in its own is not trust at all .. you never trust anyone with anything that is your own .. you just allow people to get close and hope they when they hurt you that you will see it first and still allow it .. so you'll allow the hurt and the love .. when you can control neither .. no one can keep any promise .. you know that .. why are you crying then .. maybe you misunderstood the promise .. maybe you misunderstood your life .. you keep being pushed to your limits and still expected not the break any limits .. you are expected to be alot of things .. what if your existence is not suppose to mean anything .. it would be nice if everybody thought that .. and if you kept them that depressed they won't mind dying .. 

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